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dGenerate Titles now available on Objective Cinema


By Isabella Tianzi Cai

Three dGenerate films are now available on Objective Cinema, a newly launched online platform for select social- and political-themed films.

The films are Ban Zhongyi’s Gai Shanxi and Her Sisters, Rachel Tejada’s Digital Underground in the People’s Republic, and Ou Ning’s Meishi Street.

Watch now on Objective Cinema:

The goal of Objective Cinema is to support and encourage social change at a grass roots level by making socially conscious films available to a worldwide audience. Gai Shanxi and Her Sisters documents the story around a group of Chinese women forced into sex slavery by Japanese soldiers in the Sino-Japanese War. Digital Underground in the People’s Republic penetrates the close circle of contemporary Chinese filmmakers and brings their voices to the fore. And Meishi Street archives the images of a demolished street in Beijing and the grievances of the uprooted residents for the 2008 Olympic Games.

Trailers, intros, and stills from the films are also available on Object Cinema’s website. Registered members can also rent the films online for a period of 48 hours or buy them on DVD.


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