Disorder (dir. Huang Weikai)
In The Atlantic, Hua Hsu reviews Huang Weikai’s Disorder, which screened as part of the Reel China Documentary Biennial, organized by New York University, October 15-17, 2010:
Disorder was one of the most mesmerizing films I’ve seen in ages. Rendered in a grainy black and white, the film consists of a random sequence of brief, minute-or-so glimpses into the various spaces of Guangzhou’s public life. It’s bracing, occasionally confusing, and heavily ideas-driven – Weikai assembled the footage from over one-thousand hours of footage he collected from other, amateur filmmakers, and while stitching this footage together, he followed but one rule: No successive scenes could come from the same source tape. It’s a film that aspires toward democracy, that hopes to represent the multitude.
Read the full review.
Disorder is distributed by dGenerate Films.