RADII, a media platform covering culture, innovation, and life in today's China, just published a terrific, madly varied list that includes propaganda blockbusters and wildly indie films like dGenerate Films title "Girls Always Happy." This list is chock-full of recommendations from dGenerate Films contributor Maya Rudolph and dGF president Karin Chien:
Karin Chien, dGenerate Films: Girls Always Happy is a revelation by one of the most exciting new voices in cinema today. Watching the film for the first time, I found myself gasping out loud and having to catch my breath. I have never seen a mother-daughter relationship written and portrayed with such brutal honesty and utter relatability. Yang Mingming is an absolutely fearless director. This is the movie Ladybird could have been. I look forward to watching everything she makes!
Maya's recommendation for "Are We Really So Far From the Madhouse," a music documentary from Li Hongqi, director of dGF title, the award-winning deadpan feature film "Winter Vacation":
Maya E. Rudolph, writer/director/producer: Minister of deadpan cool Li Hongqi follows a tour by the Beijing rock scene’s big brothers, P.K.14, with a sense of surreal, affectionate hysteria. This is the most punk rock doc of all punk rock docs, with a soundtrack featuring P.K.14, Dear Eloise, and various snarling wild animals.”
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