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Super, Girls! featured on Reframe’s Homepage!


Big thanks to our friends at Reframe for featuring Super, Girls! on the homepage of their site. Reframe, an initiative of the Tribeca Film Institute (and formerly Renew Media), is an initiative funded primarily by the MacArthur Foundation to create a new one-stop destination for independent films with an emphasis on the educational market. Sort of the last bastion of old school delivery, educational film distribution has long relied on phone and fax orders, paper catalogues, and up until recently, VHS. But, working with and their CreateSpace technology, Reframe offers low cost digitization and an online sales fulfillment system to distributors and filmmakers in an attempt to bring educational distribution into the 21st century.

We’re happy to be in fine company with other Reframe partners like ITVS, Center for Asian American Media (CAAM), Tribeca Film Festival, and POV amongst others. All of the dGenerate film titles can be found on the Reframe site at our collection page here. And purchases are fulfilled through tried-and-true online retailer for your comfort and ease. Thanks Reframe!

Reframe features Super, Girls! on its homepage!

Super, Girls! to Cover Girls!


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